Make Measuring Easy With Laser Alignment

The development of laser alignment tools has dramatically transformed the way that people align and position machinery and industrial structures.
These instruments enable measurement and alignment to be done faster and far more accurately than conventional alignment methods such as plumb-lines, dial gauges and line-of-sight where the quality of the results depend largely on the experience of the operator. Non-contact laser alignment systems take the human factor out of the equation which means they deliver maximum precision – even over long distances.
Laser alignment applications include alignment of rotating shafts, pumps, gearboxes motors, printing presses, cardan shafts, offset drives, drive belts and pulleys, machine positioning and measurement of flatness and straightness of machine tables, rollers and machine drives.
When machinery is misaligned, it can lead to a host of problems such as excessive and premature wear of bearings, seals, shafts and couplings, shaft and seal failures, high operating temperatures, excessive vibration, damage to shafts and foundation bolts and unnecessarily high power consumption. Other consequences are costly production stoppages and productivity losses which no business can afford.
Laser alignment results in dramatically improved manufacturing efficiency and profitability and can solve even the most difficult manufacturing problems. In fact, laser alignment can be used in any situation where rotating machinery is in operation because the reality is that ALL such machines are susceptible to misalignment and even a very small amount can have significant negative consequences.
A key benefit of the technology is that it can handle huge variations in machine design across different industries without any compromise to the quality of the measurements.
Another advantage is that these devices are easy to learn and easy to use. Although laser instruments perform hugely complicated calculations and fulfil critically important functions, they are surprisingly straightforward and operator-friendly.
For example, the Easy LaserTM range of accurate and repeatable laser alignment systems which are among the most popular and widely-used in the world, are compact and lightweight and can be used safely and with ease in even the toughest, most rugged environments. Built-in Bluetooth wireless technology and other smart functions like EasyTurn, Soft Foot Check and Thermal Growth Compensation make precise measurements even easier and faster to achieve – yet these highly advanced devices are very easy to use.
Laser alignment makes measuring easy and if you’re interested in learning more about how it will benefit your operation, you should get in touch with Nexxis, a leading Australian-owned technical equipment and technologies rental, sales and leasing company. They supply a range of quality specialised laser alignment tools and can work out the best solution for maximum precision and precise shaft alignment for your operation’s unique needs. Find them on 08 9418 4952 or visit to see their full range of remote visual inspection and non-destructive testing equipment for sale or for hire.