Don’t Buy It, Rent Your Way To Better NDT Equipment

Forward planning in an uncertain landscape is something all businesses must achieve. Past, current, and potential future events make for an ever-evolving world. For industries that rely on equipment for NDT, this means that renting or leasing can have multiple technical, operational and financial benefits.
Technical benefits of renting NDT equipment
Current technology far outweighs what was available a decade or even a few years ago. As the world enters a new era of automation, AI, robotics and machine learning, this will only accelerate even faster.
Purchasing NDT kit may slow a business’s ability to take advantage of these advancements. That state-of-the art piece of equipment will soon become run-of-the-mill – the first step towards becoming obsolete. However, choosing to rent NDT equipment instead means that companies can:
- Take advantage of cutting-edge tech: Easily upgrade when newer options become available.
- Increase reliability: Benefit from the latest technology and the higher capabilities this brings.
- Bespoke equipment matching: The best procurement models match company needs to technology that suits. Take advantage of cutting-edge advancements at the earliest opportunity fast-tracks more effective NDT methods.
Operational benefits of renting NDT equipment
By far the most pressing requirement of NDT is how it integrates into the production model. One of the greatest challenges is to carry out mandatory testing with the shortest possible operational downtime. Whether it’s a food manufacturing plant, construction site, mining operation or anything else, when equipment is offline, output is reduced.
Choosing a rental model will:
- Help optimise performance: Using the latest equipment ensures NDT is performed effectively and in the shortest time frame.
- Promote seamless operation: In the event of a breakdown or anomaly, the rental company will provide a replacement.
- Remove maintenance logistics: A quality lease or rental service will perform all necessary maintenance and calibration to keep the equipment in the best working order.
- Provide a more flexible portfolio: Testing requirements change over time. The rental blueprint offers a fluid landscape that can be scaled up and down accordingly.
- Offer expert support and advice: Not only about how to use the equipment, but to advise on options that best suit a company’s requirements and when upgrades are available.
The financial benefits of renting NDT equipment
The operational and technical benefits of renting NDT equipment have a considerable spill over into the financial aspect. It can:
- Free up capital: The outright purchase of NDT equipment is a big financial commitment and ties up precious cash flow. Renting leaves this free to be directed to other areas of the business.
- Reduces workload: Owned equipment will inevitably become outdated or obsolete. Keeping track of an inventory takes time, effort and money, as well as being a burden when the time comes to part-exchange or sell. Renting removes all of this, freeing up staff to concentrate on matters that are more time and dollar efficient.
- Increases company borrowing power: Removing the requirement to have significant funds tied up in equipment will improve the business asset to liability ratio. This puts the business in a stronger position to take on further financial borrowing, if needed.
No business knows what tomorrow will bring. The ability to adapt is vital and one of the most significant factors for choosing rental over purchase for at least some company NDT equipment. Nexxis offers the ultimate cutting-edge procurement model in combination with one of the world’s leading innovation technology and custom robotics teams.
Contact us to find out more, or request a quote online.