Small Package With Great Results
Clients vessels needed inspection before commissioning to ensure pipework cleanliness and removal of debris as part of the flawless start-up protocols leading into sections of the vessels. The 100% inspection of pipe work of various lengths sizes and positions including vertical has been some of the challenges to date.
The challenge of RVI come from how we enter, how we acquire and increasingly more important how we get there.
Design case was clear, however often when discussing the benefits of RVI we need to put into perspective the limitations and like any technology, there is not one size fits all.
Our approach was to provide a kit of equipment to cover all the aspects of the job.
Although what we are essentially talking about is a camera that is remotely operated and deployed into areas we cannot access, as you can imagine size, distance, depth, and resistance all play a factor into the correct tool.
Through working together with our client, we found that the right equipment for the job was a borescope combined with a NanoMag crawler. The borescope was used to inspect through the smaller entries around the vessel while the Nanomag was able to navigate around structural objects such as stiffeners while providing additional internal lighting for the inspection and climb vertically along the wall.
Added Value:
The ability of recording and capturing image removed the need for a regular shut down, requiring only Remote Visual Inspection to compare the wear and tear.
Lesson Learned:
Using the right tool for the job is critical and accepting that one camera might not do everything within that scope of work is even more important. Just like an Electrical or Mechanical technician takes a tool bag to a job, to carry out a good inspection and guarantee results sometimes you need a combination of RVI equipment.